Helping to create a regenerative, equitable, and ecologically harmonious world.
We work at the unique intersection of health & wellness, education, and environmental sustainability. Together, we grow.
We guide people in reconnecting with nature, community, and self to cultivate well-being and flourishing while inspiring wise and responsible environmental stewardship.
Our stories of separation from the Earth and ourselves are the seeds of the global challenges we face.
Challenges bring opportunities for growth. Our programs weave Western science and humanities with global Indigenous and contemplative wisdom along with nature-based mindfulness and somatic practices to cultivate reverence for the preciousness of life in all its rich diversity.
Participants in our programs report developing expanded self-awareness, greater compassion, enhanced emotional resilience, and a practical sense for our natural interdependence.
Our experiences together reinvigorate and empower participants with impactful ways each person can foster the collective flourishing of Earth, community, and self..
In this way, our mission is built on opportunity, growth, and action.
Our networking activities include cooperative and collaborative relationships with a diversity of practitioners, non-profit organizations, indigenous groups, academic programs and centers, community groups, among other stakeholders who are fully dedicated to Earth care and promoting flourishing.
The Mind Body Ecology Institute operates as a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit organization thanks to the charitable partnerships with individuals, foundations and sponsors like you.
The Mind Body Ecology Institute offers a limited number of donor-funded financial support scholarships to reduce costs associated with our eco-retreat programs or travel. Anyone with limited resources is welcome to apply. Preference is given to those among historically marginalized, displaced, and excluded groups.