
Our Interconnected Nature

Online Program

Have you ever fallen in love with some aspect of nature, or the Earth, as you have been healing?
— Rochelle Calvert, PhD

Remembering Our Interconnected Nature is a hybrid online interactive and experiential opportunity to be with community in exploring ways we experience separation to open into deep ways of knowing an embodied sense of interconnection.

Due to the constructive/deconstructive nature of our modern times, we typically experience ourselves as individual, separate from the whole. We are often also experiencing deep wounds/traumas that perpetuate this separation. In these times, it is essential that we look and understand how this way of viewing and living life is limiting, even harmful to our well-being and survival.

Bringing forth a somatic understanding that we are Earth made human is a valuable way to remember our dynamic web of interconnection with life as well as to cultivate resilience, belonging, and flourishing.

The program is guided by these questions:

  • What are ways we experience separation?

  • What are ways to develop, deeply understand and embody interconnection?

  • Why is interconnection a vital dimension to understanding how we can heal the pain and suffering of one another and the Earth?

Together we delve into the systemic ways we have experienced separation individually and collectively through unhealed trauma and explore the dynamic interdependence of humans and Earth, framed within a larger conversation about worldviews, inner transformation, well-being and reparative ecological engagement.


4 Week Program
Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m. CST, with daily practice.

September 11, 18, 25, October 2


Program fee: TBA. Financial support available. Please email us at with requests.

Program will take place via Zoom link sent via registration email.

All proceeds go to support the work we do at the Mind Body Ecology Institute. 

Along our journey, we build community, learn nature-based mindfulness and somatic meditation techniques, engage in vibrant discussion, and enjoy nature-centered practices as insightful, fun solo activities between sessions.

This program is perfect for those looking to enrich their understanding of interdependence, express their feelings about what is happening to the environment, and reconnect with humanity and Earth.

A wonderful way to spend a late summer month in an accessible online platform as we prepare for the fall!

Program Guides

Session Outline

  • Topics:



  • Topics:



  • Topics:



  • Topics:



These materials are not mandatory, but we suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

Supplementary Material

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