bell hooks // Martin Luther King, Jr. // Thích Nhất Hạnh
We are struck by this moment in history. The annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this year was preceded and followed by the passing into the ancestral of two other visionaries, wisdom teachers, and compassionate leaders: author, feminist, professor, and activist bell hooks, and Buddhist monk and socially-engaged mindfulness activist Thích Nhất Hạnh.
bell hooks, Dr. King, and Thích Nhất Hạnh were formative influences on each of us, as naturally they were for many. They made a lasting impact on millions of people around the world and demonstrated through the elegant paths they each walked, a deep dedication to the collective well-being of all humans, particularly the marginalized, excluded, underserved, and displaced.
Their lives were exemplary in their embodiment of the intention to elevate us all and help people find a place where everyone can breathe freely and flourish. Each of them had a unique message to share and a characteristic style, yet a common point of emphasis was something very simple and very beautiful: mindful social engagement, the interdependence of all, equity, peace, and love.
With appreciation and gratitude